I need to stop hiding from my fear. My fear is not of failure ~ I am afraid to succeed.
I need to speak out and step on the gas in our business. So, I asked my mom to refer me to friends and family. She responded with “No one up here cares about their health”.
I was taken aback. I took a deep breath then rephrased my question.
How about taking care of themselves? “They don’t care about that either.”
I do notice that these people she speaks of care about their prescriptions cost, how frustrated they feel with the need to take pills daily, the difficulty of scheduling their next surgery or doctor's appointment, and most sadly to me, how much their body hurts all the time.
This is it. This is my center. This is why I became a Health Coach. I commit people to taking better care of themselves. I care about my health. I care about taking care of myself. I care about myself. I respect myself. I love me. I am me. I am.
When did taking care of oneself become "Fitting Out"? I’m so confused. I have a lot of work to do. One client at a time. One me at a time. One day at a time.
I struggle with this topic with my mother. I love her deeply and I truly do not understand her. I grew up in a, let’s just call it what it is: a completely dysfunctional family. There was deep family love. There still is. There was physical, emotional and alcohol abuse. There was pain. There was laughter. There were long dark nights of fighting. There were fun, ocean breezy wave jumping days. There were vacations and holidays with an imbalance of love and anger. Sadly, the dark overshadows the good more often than not. It is what it is, so they say? (more to come on this statement). Along this way, my mom worked incredibly hard, my father worked hard too and yet, neither one of my parents respected themselves.
I want to ask, when did you stop caring about you? What made you hide by taking care of others when the shrieks of fear sounded loudly under our roof? This is the “we do not discuss this outside the family” voice. This is the shame. This is the unspoken language of my childhood and even still today. The unmentionables.
I want to take better care of myself. I am not perfect and I have a lot to work on. I am always going to continue to work on myself, while being a wife, mother, daughter, friend and Health Coach living in this unpredictable world. I have respect for myself and for that I am grateful.
I became a Health Coach after listening and tuning in to my wants and needs. I want to take better care of myself. I did this after feeling the loss of my sister, the truth from my childhood and understanding the need to feel the power of food, lifestyle and love.